Support for Fossil Fuels Is Dividing Line In Perdue-Ossoff Senate Runoff
"Perdue, a Republican, supports Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, while Ossoff, a Democrat, favors aggressive steps to curtail global warming."
"Perdue, a Republican, supports Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, while Ossoff, a Democrat, favors aggressive steps to curtail global warming."
"The Interior Department is seeking to make sweeping changes to how Land and Water Conservation Fund dollars can be spent in what critics say is tantamount to a rewrite of the Great American Outdoors Act."
"The Trump administration is advancing plans to auction drilling rights in the U.S. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge before the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, who has vowed to block oil exploration in the rugged Alaska wilderness."
Ballots in Western states contained many candidates and referenda that affected climate change. Here's how they came out.
"Three rules set to finalize before Joe Biden’s inauguration could create a headache for his administration."
Will a progressive Black woman be the next administrator of EPA? An interview with former regional administator Heather McTeer Toney.
"Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is moving to shut down Line 5 by revoking and ending a 1953 easement that allows Enbridge Energy to run the dual pipeline through the Straits of Mackinac."
"Hurricane Iota has rapidly strengthened into a major hurricane as it approaches Central America, where it's expected to make landfall as an "extremely dangerous" Category 4 storm Monday night."
Escrito por Talli Nauman, una fundadora de la Red Mexicana de Periodistas Ambientales, con el apoyo del International Center for Journalists, 2019. El libro está disponible a la venta en la Rempa.