
La. Groups Challenge EPA Rule Allowing Roads Built With Gypsum Waste

"A group of environmental and union organizations on Friday challenged a new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency policy that would allow phosphogypsum wastes that contain small amounts of radioactivity to be used in federal, state and local road construction projects."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 12/22/2020

Slow Start for Plan by Eastern States to Cap Tailpipe Emissions

"An ambitious plan by Eastern states for a regional cap-and-trade program to curb greenhouse gas emissions from cars and trucks got off to a slow start Monday after just three states — Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island — plus Washington, D.C., formally agreed to adopt it."

Source: NYTimes, 12/22/2020

"CDC Questioned EPA Rule Declining To Impose Tougher Soot Regulations"

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned that the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) rationale for freezing air quality regulations was “not scientifically defensible” before the agency finalized the rule earlier this month."

Source: The Hill, 12/22/2020

"Stimulus Deal Includes Raft Of Provisions To Fight Climate Change"

"The most substantial federal investment in green technology in a decade includes billions for solar, wind, battery storage and carbon capture. Congress also agreed to cut the use of HFCs, chemicals used in refrigeration that are driving global warming."

Source: Washington Post, 12/22/2020
January 8, 2021

DEADLINE: IJNR Virtual PFAS Workshop for Journalists

Join the Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources for a two-day virtual workshop, January 27-28, 2021, to discuss PFAS contamination in communities across the country. Deadline: Jan 8.

January 4, 2023

DEADLINE: NYU Journalism-NAJA Scholarship

The New York University Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute is again offering a full-tuition scholarship to a Native American Journalism Association (NAJA) member admitted to one of the ten NYU Journalism graduate programs in the fall of 2023. Deadline of Jan 4, 2023 may be extendable.

Topics on the Beat: 

Washington Monument Closed After Bernhardt Tests Positive For Virus

"Officials have taken the extraordinary step of closing the Washington Monument starting Friday as a precaution after Interior Secretary David Bernhardt — who gave a private, nighttime tour to other Trump appointees this week — tested positive for the coronavirus."

Source: Washington Post, 12/21/2020


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