
House Panel Renews Probe Into Trump Interference With Covid-19 Response

"The head of a House oversight panel on Monday renewed its investigation into political interference in the nation’s coronavirus response, releasing new allegations of meddling in scientists’ work."

Source: Washington Post, 02/09/2021

Seeding Climate Stories in the Backyard Garden

Spring may be weeks away, but gardeners are already browsing the seed catalogs, and that makes it a good time for environmental journalists to apprise them of how climate change will affect their backyard patches. Reporter’s Toolbox talks “hardiness zones” and explains why one of the usual repositories of government information may fall short. That plus, story sources to, well, cultivate.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Small-Market Reporter Gives Readers Reason To Care

Reporter Kyle Bagenstose has impressed Society of Environmental Journalists’ awards judges three times in the last four years with his investigative and small-market beat reporting on local and regional issues in Pennsylvania. In our latest Inside Story Q&A, Bagenstose discusses his award-winning work as a beat reporter and his first-place investigative prize for a series on the cleanup of toxic firefighting chemicals from streams and aquifers around military bases.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 31, 2025

DEADLINE: Golden Turtle Photography Contest

MY EQUATOR Charity Social Support Fund's annual wildlife photo contest is open to photographers worldwide. Cash prizes in each adult category and for photographer of the year. Winners in the young categories receive a glass trophy, a diploma and more. Enter by Mar 31, 2025.

February 9, 2021

AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards Program

Join ​the AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards program at 12:00 p.m. ET for a ceremony honoring their Diamond Anniversary winners.  It will be held in conjunction with the virtual 2021 AAAS Annual Meeting, and you must sign in as a meeting registrant.

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