
March 25, 2021

Building Climate Reporting Confidence: The South

Covering Climate Now, Climate Matters in the Newsroom and Southerly present experienced journalists, 2:30-4:00pm ET, sharing how they got up to speed on the climate issue, challenges they've faced in reporting and ideas on how to tell localized, human-centered stories to engage audiences. Includes Q&A.


Feeding Cattle Seaweed Reduces Their Greenhouse Gas Emissions 82 Percent

"A bit of seaweed in cattle feed could reduce methane emissions from beef cattle as much as 82 percent, according to new findings from researchers at the University of California, Davis. The results, published today in the journal PLOS ONE, could pave the way for the sustainable production of livestock throughout the world."

Source:, 03/18/2021

Company Wants To Mine Gold Near Death Valley. Tribes Are Fighting It

"LONE PINE, Calif. — Perched high in the craggy Inyo Mountains, between the dusty Owens Valley floor and Death Valley National Park, looms a rugged, nearly roadless chunk of desert terrain teeming with wildlife and scarred by mining operations."

Source: LA Times, 03/18/2021

"EV Turning Point: Momentum Builds for US Electric Vehicle Transition"

"Driven by GM, Tesla, and the Biden administration, the U.S. is now poised to press ahead in the transformation to electric vehicles. Big challenges still loom, but technological advances, government support, and growing consumer appeal will drive the inevitable switch to EVs."

Source: YaleE360, 03/18/2021

Last Texas Utility Commissioner Resigns After Leaked Call Pledging Profits

"The last standing member of Texas’s Public Utility Commission handed in his resignation on Tuesday following a report that he assured out-of-state investors who made big profits from last month’s blackouts that he was working to make sure they could keep their money."

Source: Earther, 03/18/2021


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