
August 25, 2022

DEADLINE: Religion & Environment Story Project Fellowship

Ten RESP fellows will gather twice over the course of six months for practical, on-the-job training designed to develop new ways of thinking about the climate crisis and the role played by religious individuals and institutions in addressing (and ignoring) it. Includes expenses, membership in SEJ or RNA, and stipend. Apply by Aug 25, 2022.


St. John Parish Group Files Human Rights Appeal Over Denka Air Pollution

"After years of urging state and federal authorities to reduce harmful chemical emissions from the Denka Performance Elastomer manufacturing plant in Reserve [La.], a St. John the Baptist Parish group is seeking help from an international human rights commission."

Source:, 05/18/2021

"As The Rest Of World Tackles Plastics Disposal, The U.S. Resists"

"In an expansion of the U.N.’s 1989 Basel Convention, amendments to the international protocol on the shipment of hazardous waste were revised to include plastics in 2021, with nations currently figuring out how to implement the agreement."

Source: Mongabay, 05/18/2021

Amid Drought Crisis, Some Ranchers Restore Grasslands to Reserve Water

"It’s calving season and all across the West ranchers are watching the sizes of their herds grow. It’s also the beginning of a new season on most ranches, but in the midst of a historic, persistent drought, a growing herd brings difficult questions."

Source: Civil Eats, 05/18/2021

Worsening Algae Bloom On Lake Okeechobee Threatens Coasts Again

"The scene at Pahokee marina on Lake Okeechobee last week was a warning sign: A thick mat of algae in various shades of green, brown, gray and fluorescent blue covered the area around boat slips. In some spots, the gunk was so dense it stuck out 2 inches above the water."

Source: Miami Herald, 05/18/2021


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