
Tribe Reels From Illness And Cancer. What Role Did The US Government Play?

"The family placed flowers by a pair of weathered cowboy boots, as people quietly gathered for the memorial of the soft-spoken tribal chairman who mentored teens in the boxing ring and teased his grandkids on tractor rides. Left unsaid, and what troubled Marvin Cota’s family deep down, was that his story ended like so many others on the remote Duck Valley Indian Reservation. He was healthy for decades. They found the cancer too late."

Source: AP, 09/10/2024

‘Sustainable’ Logging Clear-Cutting Canada’s Climate-Fighting Forests

"Nonprofit environment watchdogs put their stamps of approval on countless wood products that get touted as responsibly produced. But Reuters found that the timber firms these groups certify are harvesting large swaths of Canada’s older forests, which are critical to containing global warming."

Source: Reuters, 09/10/2024

#SEJSpotlight: Virginia Gewin, Freelance Journalist

Meet SEJ member Virginia Gewin! Virginia is an independent science journalist based in Portland, Oregon. Her reporting now explores the impacts of wildfires, dust storms, and oil and gas development on public health, often in environmental justice communities. Virginia is currently developing a series of stories from sacrifice zones, those on the frontlines of hazardous pollution.

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