#SEJSpotlight: Hadeer Elhadary, Lead Journalist, ESG Mena Arabic

#SEJSpotlight graphic for Hadeer Elhadary


Meet SEJ member Hadeer Elhadary! Hadeer is a lead journalist at ESG Mena Arabic in Egypt. Previously she was a freelance climate journalist, and her work focused on biodiversity, sustainability, climate change risks and solutions for a better future. She is also a trainer and a blogger at the “Climate Story” initiative, which is concerned with simplifying scientific studies related to climate change and linking them to human stories to provide easy-to-understand content. She had fellowships on climate change and biodiversity from Metcalf institute - Rhode Island University, Climate Tracker, Free Press Unlimited, CFI, Goethe-Institute, Africa21 and the German Foreign Ministry. She won seven awards for her stories from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Africa 21, the Egyptian Syndicate, Plan International and the Ministry of Social Solidarity, the Egyptian Ministry of Environment, CFI and the German Embassy.

When asked if she recommends SEJ membership, Hadeer said, "Of course, I recommend SEJ to my colleagues — here they can find the support they need." Join us — apply for SEJ membership.

See some of Hadeer's work:

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