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DEADLINE: IJNR/SEJ Virtual Workshop on Environmental Racism and Indigenous Communities

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources, in partnership with SEJ, will present a virtual workshop, Nov 17-18, 2021, on covering the ongoing problem of Indigenous voices being ignored or silenced during conversations about contemporary natural resource management. Participating journalists eligible for story grants. Deadline: Nov 3.

How Journalists from 13 Countries Covered the Crimes in the Global Fishing Industry

Oceans Inc. is a cross-border investigation series into crimes in the global fishing industry, from the South China Sea to the Antarctic. At 8:00 a.m. ET, meet the journalists behind the series and find out more about the Environmental Reporting Collective's reporting and training grants that are worth over USD15,000.

SEJ Webinar: The Time Is Now — A COP26 Primer for Journalists

SEJ and the UN Foundation are bringing together UN policy experts and journalists to discuss what to watch for ahead of the 26th Climate Change Conference of the Parties, as the international community seeks to measure and accelerate progress towards meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. 1:00 p.m. ET.

#SEJSpotlight: Rachel Nuwer, Freelance Journalist

Meet SEJ member Rachel Nuwer! Rachel is an award-winning freelance journalist who regularly writes about conservation, ecology and wildlife trade for the New York Times, National Geographic, Scientific American and more. Her multi-award-winning first book, "Poached: Inside the Dark World of Wildlife Trafficking," was published in September 2018 with Da Capo Press.

DEADLINE: Spark Grant Initiative

As members of the World Federation of Science Journalists, SEJ and its members are eligible to apply for this new funding of up to US$20,000 per project for work that strengthens science journalism locally while also benefitting the worldwide community. Projects or initiatives must be brand new. Apply by Oct 30, 2021.
