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Calif.’s Failed First Plan To Stop Offshore Drilling Casts Shadow Today

"Offshore oil derricks dotting the California coastline continue pumping despite a history of catastrophic spills and vows from generations of politicians to send them to the scrapheap. They’ve even survived a modest attempt by state officials more than a decade ago to offer incentives to oil companies that chose to abandon their costly operations."

Source: LA Times, 11/30/2021

"EPA Wins Appeal Over Release of Pesticide Policymaking Records"

"The EPA can shield some records regarding a former official’s role in pesticide policymaking from a conservation group, a divided Second Circuit ruled Monday. Messages between staff about how the agency should communicate its policies are protected by the deliberative process privilege, according to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 11/30/2021
