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"As Climate 'Net-Zero' Plans Grow, So Do Concerns From Scientists"

"Faced with the prospect that climate change will drive ever deadlier heat waves, ... countries, corporations and cities appear to have come up with a plan: net zero. But scientists and monitoring groups are growing increasingly alarmed at the slew of vague net-zero pledges that appear to privilege offsets and future technological breakthroughs over short-term emissions cuts."

Source:, 12/09/2021

"Deal Forces EPA To Revisit Chemical Industry Emissions"

"The Biden administration has tentatively agreed to revisit EPA air toxics standards for hundreds of chemical plants, signaling a move on an issue that groups framed as central to the pursuit of environmental justice.

Under the terms of a proposed consent decree officially made public today, the agency commits to consider tightening the existing emissions limits for synthetic organic chemical manufacturers on a series of deadlines running from next year to 2024.

Source: E&E News, 12/08/2021

"Pushing Back On Lead Ammo And Fishing Tackle Misinformation"

"A science denial campaign is being waged to keep lead in hunting and fishing. Who’s fighting back and how should they do it? "

"Groups including the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF), the National Rifle Association (NRA), and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) are waging science denial campaigns to keep lead products in hunting ammunition and fishing tackle.

As a result, wildlife is poisoned and human health is at risk.

Source: EHN, 12/08/2021
