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"California Proposes Big Changes To Rooftop Solar Incentives"

"California officials want to slash payments for rooftop solar power, saying the changes would help the state achieve 100% clean energy while keeping the lights on, preventing electricity rates from rising and encouraging people to install batteries. But solar executives are furious with the changes, saying they would backfire and crater a thriving industry."

Source: LA Times, 12/14/2021

2021 Conference on Deep Seabed Mineral Mining

The Renewable Natural Resources Foundation's virtual conference will examine various elements around seabed mining, such as the ecology of the seabed, the possibility of addressing the climate crisis without mining the deep seabed, perspectives and activities of the U.S. State Dept. 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. ET.

Russia Vetoes UN Resolution Linking Climate Change, Security

"Russia has vetoed a first-of-its-kind UN security council resolution casting the climate crisis as a threat to international peace and security – a vote that sank a years-long effort to make global heating more central to decision-making in the UN’s most powerful body."

Source: AP, 12/14/2021

"Watchdog: Federal Anti-Terror Unit Investigated Journalists"

"A special Customs and Border Protection unit used sensitive government databases intended to track terrorists to investigate as many as 20 U.S.-based journalists, including a Pulitzer Prize-winning Associated Press reporter, according to a federal watchdog."

Source: AP, 12/14/2021

Coaching ‘Creatives’ — Artist Offers Wisdom to Journalists

The struggle to juggle numerous pitches and simultaneous stories, or even to decide if a story will actually work, is a familiar one to most journalists, especially freelancers. So SEJournal’s Christine Woodside sought out advice on surviving this rough-and-tumble from Jessica Abel, author of “Growing Gills” and “Out on the Wire.” Tips, tricks and insights in the new Freelance Files.

‘Wild Souls’ Explores Paradox of Managing Species To Save Them

What does wildness mean when humans interfere with the lives of wild animals in order to protect them? A new volume, “Wild Souls,” explores that dilemma, whether arising through captive breeding programs to reintroduce the California condor and the gray wolf, by allowing hybridization or through the use of gene-editing tools. A review from BookShelf contributor Jenny Weeks.
