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DEADLINE: SEJ's Student Op-Ed Contest — Unmuting the Student Press on Climate and Environmental Justice Issues

In honor of Student Press Freedom Day, SEJ invites high school and college students to enter our contest by writing an opinion editorial on the topic of self-censorship/freedom of the press in student media related to climate and environmental issues. Great prizes! Deadline: Apr 8, 2022.

"Edible Extinction: Why We Need to Revive Global Food Diversity"

"The Green Revolution helped feed a surging global population, but at the cost of impoverishing crop diversity. Now, with climate change increasingly threatening food supplies, the need for greater agricultural resilience means restoring endangered crop and food varieties."

Source: YaleE360, 03/14/2022

"US Tsunami Warning System Needs Major Overhaul, Report Says"

"The United States’ tsunami system is in need of a major update, with ongoing problems that include outdated software, delayed alerts and poor communication to the public, according to a panel of tsunami experts. Its recent report sees “an urgent need for action” and advises the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to overhaul aspects of the system to fix these and other pressing issues."

Source: Washington Post, 03/14/2022

"EPA Expands Reach Of Ozone Regulations"

"Power plants, paper mills and other industries in roughly half the country would face fresh requirements to cut smog-forming emissions under a new EPA “good neighbor” plan that would sharply expand the agency’s efforts to curb harmful pollution that crosses state lines."

Source: E&E News, 03/14/2022

Tracking Regulatory Changes Reveals Insights Into Presidential Power Over Environment

Sweeping, data-driven reporting on the impact of the Trump White House on environment policy won high praise for a Washington Post reporting team that took first prize for beat reporting in the most recent Society of Environmental Journalists’ reporting awards. Find out how award winners Juliet Eilperin, Brady Dennis and John Muyskens approached this vast topic, in the new Inside Story Q&A.

Pollinator Gardens Yield Local Story Possibilities

It’s perhaps the ultimate local environment story — found right in your audience’s literal backyard. Pollinator gardens offer environmental journalists an opportunity not just to report on ecologically beneficial (and attractive) plantings, but also to tell the complex story of pollinators — butterflies, birds and, of course, bees. The latest TipSheet plants ideas and resources to cover the pollinator garden story.

How Buffalo Bill and a Civil War General Saved Yellowstone National Park

"In 1883, the public was transfixed by Yellowstone National Park, and not in a good way. This 2-million-acre natural treasure — mostly in Wyoming but with some land in Montana and Idaho — was being despoiled by commercial interests through the slaughter of wild animals, unrestricted logging and vandalism of hot springs."

Source: Washington Post, 03/11/2022
