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"Don Young Leaves Outsize Natural Resources Legacy"

"Alaska Republican Rep. Don Young played an outsize role in shaping many natural resources policies during his nearly half a century as Alaska’s lone House representative, leaving a mark on issues like oil and natural gas, fisheries and endangered species."

Source: E&E News, 03/21/2022

"EPA Helms White House Indoor Air Plan To Help Fight Covid-19"

"EPA is leading the Biden administration’s latest initiative to stop the spread of Covid-19. The agency wrote new ventilation and air quality guidelines for schools, colleges and other building owners and operators released by the White House yesterday."

Source: E&E News, 03/21/2022

"UN Chief: Don’t Let Russia Crisis Fuel Climate Destruction"

"U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the ‘all-of-the-above’ strategy now being pursued by major economies to end fossil fuel imports from Russia because of its invasion of Ukraine could kill hopes of keeping global warming below dangerous levels."

Source: AP, 03/21/2022

"EPA Union Urges Agency To Scrap Trump-Era Plan To Relocate Houston Lab"

"Federal workers at the Environmental Protection Agency are fighting to keep a key laboratory in Houston, warning that following through on a Trump-era plan to relocate the facility to rural Oklahoma would force out dedicated staff and harm heavily polluted industrial communities along the Gulf Coast."

Source: HuffPost, 03/21/2022
