Search results

"A ‘Silent Victim’: How Nature Becomes a Casualty of War"

"The Black Sea Biosphere Reserve, on the southern coast of Ukraine, is a haven for migrating birds. More than 120,000 birds spend the winter flitting about its shores, and a multicolored spectrum of rare species — the white-tailed eagle, red-breasted merganser and black-winged stilt, to name just a few — nest among its protected waters and wetlands."

Source: NYTimes, 04/13/2022

"California Utility To Pay $55 Million For Massive Wildfires"

"Pacific Gas & Electric, the nation’s largest utility, has agreed to pay more than $55 million to avoid criminal prosecution for two major wildfires sparked by its aging Northern California power lines and submit to five years of oversight in an attempt to prevent more deadly blazes."

Source: AP, 04/13/2022

"Biden Will Allow Summertime Sales Of Higher-Ethanol Gas"

"The Environmental Protection Agency will issue a waiver that would allow the blend known as E15 — which is made of 15 percent ethanol — to be used between June 1 and Sept. 15. The White House estimated that approximately 2,300 stations in the country offer the blend and cast the decision as a move toward “energy independence.”"

Source: NYTimes, 04/13/2022
