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"A Uranium Ghost Town in the Making"

"Time and again, mining company Homestake and government agencies promised to clean up waste from decades of uranium processing. It didn’t happen. Now they’re trying a new tactic: buying out homeowners to avoid finishing the job."

Source: ProPublica, 08/10/2022

Conceding to Manchin, Bill Exempts Most Oil Industry From Methane Fees

"The U.S. Senate climate bill’s fee on oil and gas industry methane emissions will cover less than half the sector’s releases of the powerful greenhouse gas, thanks to concessions made to win over party holdout Joe Manchin, according to a review of the legislation and interviews with lawmakers that negotiated it."

Source: Reuters, 08/10/2022

"EPA Launches Civil Rights Probes Of Texas Regulator"

"EPA is opening two civil rights investigations of Texas’ environmental agency, exploring whether state regulators failed to properly permit concrete batch plants and discriminated against people who speak limited English."

Source: E&E News, 08/10/2022
