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Experts Debunk Viral Post Claiming 1,100 Scientists Deny Climate Emergency

"To the average consumer of news, the petition’s message might seem reasonable—a healthy dose of skepticism in a debate that affects everyone. .... But despite its measured tone and its list of supporters with impressive-sounding titles like professor or doctor, the declaration isn’t what it appears to be, several career climatologists and disinformation experts told Inside Climate News. "

Source: Inside Climate News, 08/24/2022

"Interior IG Finds Senior BLM Official Violated Ethics Rules"

"The Interior Department’s inspector general has concluded that a senior Bureau of Land Management official violated agency ethics rules last year when she met with a previous employer on potential changes to the agency’s regulation of oil and gas development and climate change."

Source: E&E News, 08/24/2022


Climate Modeling Alliance's GriddingMachine provides a way for journalists to more easily reuse public datasets, saving time because you don't have to find, format and read the data yourself.

"Jordan River, Jesus' Baptism Site, Is Today Barely a Trickle"

"Kristen Burckhartt felt overwhelmed. She needed time to reflect, to let it sink in that she had just briefly soaked her feet in the water where Jesus is said to have been baptized, in the Jordan River. ... Physically, the Lower Jordan River of today is a lot more meager than mighty."

Source: AP, 08/23/2022
