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DEADLINE: World Science Forum 2022 Media for Social Justice Fellowships

"Science-interested" journalists anywhere in the world are invited to apply for an expenses-paid fellowship to attend this year's forum in Cape Town, South Africa, Dec 3-10, with flight reimbursement taking place on-site at WSF2022. Apply by Sep 30.

DEADLINE: 4th World Media Lab

This year-long, expenses-paid fellowship is for emerging and mid-career Indigenous filmmakers, offering artist development workshops (and $10,000 grant), training and networking at the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival, Seattle International Film Festival and the Camden International Film Festival. Apply by Nov 30, 2023.

"California Water Pipeline Hits Legal Setback"

"A controversial Southern California water pipeline project has hit another snag, with a federal judge’s ruling that allows the Bureau of Land Management to withdraw key approvals granted during the Trump administration."

Source: E&E News, 09/15/2022
