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Earlier Warning Might Have Spared Ohio A Derailment, Investigator Says

"A U.S. train derailment that spilled toxic chemicals in an Ohio town might have been avoided if the railway company's alarm system had given engineers an earlier warning that bearings were overheating, the chair of the National Transportation Safety Board said on Thursday with the release of a preliminary investigation."

Source: Reuters, 02/24/2023

Conservation Messaging in the Bucketlist Era

How do we leverage growing interest in nature-based tourism to promote responsible travel and educate visitors? Join the Yale Center for Environmental Communication for a panel discussion with international sustainable tourism and conservation experts. 5:30-6:30 p.m. ET.

6th GLF Investment Case Symposium

Local and international leaders and experts in sustainable finance for nature will gather in Luxembourg at the 6th GLF Investment Case Symposium to discuss how the financial sector can help overcome the world's biodiversity and climate crises. Media accreditation available. Online or in Luxembourg.

"Marine Commission: Whale Deaths Not Linked To Wind Prep Work"

"An independent scientific agency that advises the federal government on policies that could impact marine mammals said there is no evidence linking site preparation work for offshore wind farms with a number of whale deaths along the U.S. East Coast."

Source: AP, 02/23/2023
