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"BPA Industry Fights Back"

"For decades, the chemical industry has been able to control the debate on whether BPA is harmful to human health. Now the Food and Drug Administration, which had relied on industry-financed studies to declare the chemical safe, is reconsidering its determination. ... Plastics makers [have launched a campaign] to fight federal regulation of BPA, downplay its risks and discredit anyone who characterizes the chemical as a health threat."
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 08/24/2009

"Developing World's Parasites, Disease Hit U.S."

"Parasitic infections and other diseases usually associated with the developing world are cropping up with alarming frequency among U.S. poor, especially in states along the U.S.-Mexico border, the rural South and in Appalachia, according to researchers."
Source: Wall St. Journal, 08/24/2009

American Fisheries Society 139th Annual Meeting

Sessions will cover commercial fisheries issues such as bycatch reduction, recreational fishing issues, endangered species, climate change, international policy and new fisheries science technologies in genetics, tagging and tracking of fish.

"Green Homes Projects in a Down Economy"

"As the credit freeze tightened its grip on the economy, the market for green construction -- at least in some respects -- remained strong overall, according to the U.S. Green Building Council and insurers of green construction projects. ...Still, as fewer and fewer banks proved willing to lend money for upfront construction costs, many smaller green builders have been forced to find new ways to see their projects through to completion."
Source: NYTimes, 08/21/2009

"Chevron Phillips Chemical Sued for Polluting Texas Air"

"Sierra Club and Environment Texas filed an air pollution lawsuit today in federal district court against Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP. The groups claim that Chevron Phillips has repeatedly violated the Clean Air Act at its Cedar Bayou chemical plant in Baytown, Texas."
Source: ENS, 08/21/2009

"U.S. Commerce Secretary Freezes Arctic Fishing Expansion"

"To prevent ecosystem damage due to commercial harvesting activity, U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke today decided to prohibit the expansion of commercial fishing in federal Arctic waters until researchers gather enough information on fish and the Arctic marine environment to put safeguards in place."
Source: ENS, 08/21/2009

'Flash Mob' Plays Dead for Climate Bill

A "Flash Mob" of environmental activists in Salt Lake City staged a demonstration to declare: "Climate Change Kills." It was just one of dozens of events around the country staged by both sides in the climate debate.
Source: Salt Lake Tribune, 08/21/2009
