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"T.V.A. to Pay $43 Million on Projects in Spill Area"

"The Tennessee Valley Authority said Monday that it would spend $43 million on economic development projects in Roane County, Tenn., the site of a huge coal ash spill at one of the authority’s power plants last December."
Source: NYTimes, 09/15/2009

"Interior Launches Climate Strategy"

"Interior Secretary Ken Salazar launched the Obama administration's first coordinated response to the impacts of climate change Monday, which he said would both monitor how global warming is altering the nation's landscape and help the country cope with those changes."
Source: Wash Post, 09/15/2009

"Male Bass in Many US Rivers Feminized, Study Finds"

"Government scientists figure that one out of five male black bass in American river basins have egg cells growing inside their sexual organs, a sign of how widespread fish feminizing has become."
Source: AP, 09/15/2009
