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"Fly Ash Disposal Plans Change"

"Developers of a controversial coal-fired power plant in Sevier County [Utah] now intend to transport and dispose of the proposed facility's fly ash in Carbon County and Tooele County landfills rather than close to home."
Source: Salt Lake Tribune, 09/22/2009

"Feds Again Petitioned for Florida Panther Critical Habitat"

"As a species, the endangered Florida panther needs about 4,860 square miles in southern Florida to be protected as critical habitat to save the animal from extinction and recover the species, according to a new scientific petition submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by three nonprofit organizations."
Source: ENS, 09/22/2009

"Decision Due Soon on Arctic Ocean Oil Drilling"

"Opponents of offshore oil drilling in the Arctic are making a last-ditch effort to convince the Obama administration to impose the same kind of moratorium on oil and gas development that it did on major commercial fishing in the Far North."
Source: LA Times, 09/22/2009

"Fed Judge Says Grizzlies Still Threatened"

"BILLINGS, Mont. -- Facing the combined pressures of climate change, hunters and lax protections, 600 grizzly bears in and around Yellowstone National Park are going back on the threatened species list under a federal court order issued Monday."
Source: AP, 09/22/2009

"States Can Sue Utilities Over Emissions"

"A two-judge panel of a federal appeals court has ruled that big power companies can be sued by states and land trusts for emitting carbon dioxide. The decision, issued Monday, overturns a 2005 District Court decision that the question was political, not judicial."
Source: NYTimes, 09/22/2009

"As U.N. Meets on Climate, Momentum Is Elusive"

"The world leaders who are meeting at the United Nations to discuss climate change on Tuesday, are faced with an intricate challenge: building momentum for an international climate treaty at a time when global temperatures have been stable for a decade and may even drop in the next few years."
Source: NYTimes, 09/22/2009

Report: "The Dangers for Journalists Who Expose Environmental Issues"

Around the world, journalists face considerable risks when they expose environmental misdeeds. A new report from Reporters Without Borders/Reporters Sans Frontières looks at 13 cases of journalists and bloggers who have been killed, physically attacked, jailed, threatened or censored for reporting on the environment.
