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"Deal Drafted on Nuclear Fuel for Iran's Research Reactor"

"VIENNA -- A draft agreement on providing Iran with fuel for a civilian nuclear research facility that could defuse tension over Iran's nuclear program has emerged from nearly three days of talks supported by the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA."

Source: ENS, 10/23/2009

"Senate Confirms Main as New MSHA Chief"

"Advocates for coal miners said Thursday that they expect a new direction for the nation’s mine safety agency under its new chief, former miner and top union official Joseph Main. On a voice vote, the Senate confirmed Main on Wednesday night as the head of the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration."

Source: Louisville Courier-Journal, 10/23/2009

"Scientists: Biofuel Laws May Harm Environment"

"Scientists writing in the current issue of Science magazine point out a huge error in existing biofuel laws that could actually make climate change worse. They say these rules inadvertently encourage deforestation, which in turn contributes to global warming."

Source: NPR, 10/23/2009

"U.S. Issues Arctic Report, Cites 'Drastic Changes'"

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issues an Arctic report card Thursday that said global warming is changing wind patters and melting ice and glaciers -- with impacts on living things on both land and sea.

Source: AP, 10/23/2009

"U.S. Maps Protected Alaska Habitat for Polar Bears"

"A vast swath of icy sea, barrier islands and coastal land on Alaska's oil-rich North Slope will be granted special protection because of its importance to the threatened polar bear, under a proposal released Thursday by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service."

Source: Reuters, 10/23/2009

"U.S. Chamber Disclosure Report No Hoax"

A mandatory disclosure report filed Monday in the Senate showed that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce spent $34.7 million last quarter to influence Congress and the administration. It's a large amount and a dramatic jump.

Source: NPR, 10/22/2009

"Killer Algae A Key Player In Mass Extinctions"

"Supervolcanoes and cosmic impacts get all the terrible glory for causing mass extinctions, but a new theory suggests lowly algae may be the killer behind the world's great species annihilations."

Source: SPX, 10/22/2009

"Food Recycling Law A Hit In San Francisco"

"Tossing food scraps in your garbage can is a crime — at least in San Francisco. A brand-new city law requires residents to discard food waste in a separate bin."

Source: NPR, 10/22/2009
