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"Sen. David Vitter (R-Formaldehyde)"

The nomination of Paul Anastas, known as the "father of green chemistry," to head EPA's Office of Research and Development, is being held up by Sen. David Vitter (R-LA). Vitter's action raises questions about his close ties to the formaldehyde industry.

Source: Mother Jones, 11/13/2009

"Harvesting Fog Provides Drinking Water, Food to Peruvian Slums"

"In Lima, Peru, more than 1.3 million people have no access to drinking water. The citizens without it are in the poorest areas, where water trucked in can cost nine times as much as it does in richer areas. So, citizens have had to either make do without running water, or, with the help of a German NGO, make dew into drinking water."

Source: TreeHugger, 11/13/2009

"Carbon Watch: Tracking the New Currencies of Global Warming"

"In the new economy created by global warming, forests are turning into a valuable commodity. Promising not to cut them down is one of the most popular ways companies would like to offset their emissions. Correspondent Mark Schapiro follows the trail of one of those offset projects deep into Brazil's Atlantic forest."

Source: Carbon Watch, 11/13/2009

"Group Urges Protection of Northern Forests"

"A coalition of conservation groups are calling on international climate negotiators in Copenhagen next month to develop land-use policy incentives intended to encourage governments to protect natural carbon storehouses -- especially those in northern boreal forests and peatlands found in Canada, Scandinavia and Russia."

Source: NYTimes, 11/13/2009

"Ocean Acidification Impacts Coastal Rivers"

"Ocean acidification, caused by rising CO2 levels, is affecting not only coral reefs, but coastal ecosystems by changing everything from the ability of oysters to adhere to the riverbed to the extent of dead zones along the U.S. Pacific coast."

Source: Cosmos, 11/13/2009
