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Missoula, MT 2010

Find multimedia coverage, session descriptions, and speaker bios for SEJ's 20th annual conference, October 13-17, hosted by The University of Montana.

"Catalina Bison Going on Birth Control"

"The Catalina Island Conservancy has been rounding up the herd so females can get a reversible contraceptive vaccine. The goal: Control the size of the herd to keep it and the environment healthier."

Source: LA Times, 11/20/2009

"North America's Most Brilliant Songbird Begins to Recover"

"With its gleaming red, blue and green feathers, the painted bunting is often described as the most beautiful migratory songbird in North America. After a 30 year decline and extirpation from parts of its U.S. range, the species appears to be recovering."

Source: ENS, 11/20/2009

"Big Apple Tree Huggers"

"Trees along big city streets have a rough life. Between pollution, development, and vandalism, street trees die off at a pretty alarming rate. One New York artist thinks if people knew more about street trees, they’d appreciate them more -- and treat them better."

Source: Environment Report, 11/20/2009

"Fungus Provides Clues To North American Extinctions"

"One of the great mysteries about North America is what killed off woolly mammoths and other exotic animals that roamed the land after the last ice age. Ideas have ranged from a comet impact and climate change to human hunters. A study published Friday in Science Magazine provides new clues about this — cleverly deduced from samples of a fungus that grew on the animals' dung."

Source: NPR, 11/20/2009

"California Bans Sale of Energy-Guzzling Plasma TVs"

"In a 5-0 vote, The California Energy Commission today approved the country's first efficiency regulations for TVs of up to 58 inches. The new Appliance Efficiency Regulations will require new televisions sold in California to consume 33 percent less electricity by 2011 and 49 percent less electricity by 2013."

Source: Ecopolitology, 11/20/2009
