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EPA Reveals More High-Hazard Coal-Ash Sites

Disclosure of 22 electric-utility plans for handling coal-ash waste is a good start... but EPA also released the identities of some 40 more — previously undisclosed — scary ash impoundments.

Journalism Jobs

This page contains links to Internet sites listing job openings in journalism. Some may include environmental journalism jobs.

"Virginia Passes Bill To Limit Legal Claims on One Firm"

"The Virginia House of Delegates passed a bill that would help protect a single Fortune 500 company from asbestos lawsuits -- a proposal that House Speaker William J. Howell has been quietly maneuvering to have his chamber support for weeks."

Source: Wash Post, 02/10/2010

"Saving Tiny Toads Without a Home"

The bright-golden spray toads, small as a dime, once lived in the spray of a waterfall on the Kihansi River in Tanzania. A dam funded by the World Bank destroyed the species habitat, and they are now extinct in the wild. They now live only in captivity.

Source: NYTimes, 02/10/2010

"Challenged Back Home on His Right, McCain Stays Away From Climate Bill"

"Sen. John McCain once led the global warming debate on Capitol Hill, pledging to force repeated floor votes on cap-and-trade legislation until it passed. ... But McCain has gone on hiatus from the issue since losing the presidential election to Barack Obama. And he is likely to keep his distance even more over the next six months due to a primary challenge from a conservative former congressman that threatens to end his Senate career after four terms."

Source: ClimateWire, 02/10/2010

"What Does $36B in Nuclear Loan Guarantees Buy Democrats?"

"The Obama administration extended a helping hand to the nuclear industry last week by proposing to expand nuclear power loan guarantee authority by $36 billion, putting into action its long-stated support for the energy source. The question now is what the White House has to gain by providing a total of $54 billion in loan guarantee authority for nuclear projects."

Source: Greenwire, 02/10/2010
