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"Southern Co.'s Lobbying Draws Complaints"

"President Barack Obama's award of billions of dollars in federal nuclear loan guarantees to Southern Co. has angered environmentalists who say the president is embracing the energy powerhouse that worked aggressively to defeat a key climate change bill championed by his administration."

Source: AP, 02/18/2010

"Report on Marines' Water Omitted Cancer Chemical"

"An environmental contractor dramatically underreported the level of a cancer-causing chemical found in tap water at Camp Lejeune, then omitted it altogether as the Marine base prepared for a federal health review, an Associated Press review has found."

Source: AP, 02/18/2010

"Environmental Advocates Are Cooling on Obama"

"The early optimism of environmental advocates that the policies of former President George W. Bush would be quickly swept away and replaced by a bright green future under Mr. Obama is for many environmentalists giving way to resignation, and in some cases, anger."

Source: NYTimes, 02/18/2010
