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"Setting Wind Power Records in Texas"

"Texas, the nation's wind-power leader, set a new record for wind generation this morning, when -- at 6:37 a.m. -- about 19 percent of the electricity on the state's main grid was supplied by turbines."

Source: Greenwire, 03/08/2010

"No Endangered Status for Plains Bird"

"The Interior Department said Friday that the greater sage grouse, a dweller of the high plains of the American West, was facing extinction but would not be designated an endangered species for now."

Source: NYTimes, 03/08/2010

"Deal to Save Everglades May Help Sugar Firm"

Florida GOP Governor Charlie Crist's $1.75 billion plan to save the Everglades by buying out a major landowner, United States Sugar, is turning out two years later to be a plan to save U.S. Sugar. The Everglades? -- not so much.

Source: NYTimes, 03/08/2010

Arctic Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning and the Role of the Arctic People

The Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission and the Environmental Law Institute bring together representatives of Arctic communities and federal agencies to begin a national conversation on the rights, traditions, and experiences of the Arctic people; existing co-management practices; competing management imperatives; and how to build from the existing system toward an Arctic marine spatial planning framework.

"Long-Abandoned Nuclear Reactors Eyed for Restart"

"Alongside a multitude of pending applications for new nuclear reactors, there is a move to restart construction at sites where the work began decades ago only to be abandoned before completion." The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is considering reinstatement of construction permits for the Tennessee Valley Authority's two Bellefonte nuclear reactors, started near Hollywood, Ala., in 1974 but never finished.

Source: SolveClimate, 03/05/2010
