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1 in 7 Wildlife Refuges Has Genetically Engineered Crops

Three organizations file a lawsuit against the USFWS, a new study finds three strains of GE maize likely damaged organs of rats that ate the foods for just three months, pesticide use associated with GE crops may actually be greater than for traditional crops, and GE seed prices skyrocket.

Sunshine Still Disinfects — 2010

Every March, journalists, news media, lawyers, librarians, and ordinary citizens get reminded why access to information keeps democracy healthy. Here are some interesting articles and events from Sunshine Week 2010.

NEPA and Climate Change: CEQ’s Draft Guidance

Hear a diverse group of experts, hosted by the Environmental Law Institute, discuss the impact of the guidance, the timing of its release, and the larger questions about the role of climate change in agency planning. Teleconferencing is available for members of the press.

"Alaska: Aerial Wolf Hunt Begins"

"State employees began an aerial wolf hunt on the Yukon border on Tuesday in what officials describe as an effort to preserve caribou for shooting by hunters."

Source: NYTimes, 03/17/2010
