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International Water Association's Water Loss Task Force Conference

URBAN WATER LOSSES RUNNING AT 50% PLUS. Scientists, engineers try to plug leaks of resource more precious than gold. Journalists with an interest in environmental and water challenges are invited to apply for accreditation to cover this Sao Paulo, Brazil conference.

"BP Hopes Tube Will Siphon Oil To Tanker"

"Undersea robots were trying to thread a small tube into the jagged pipe that is pouring oil into the Gulf of Mexico in BP's latest attempt to cut down on the spill from a blown-out well that has pumped out more than 4 million gallons of crude."

Source: AP, 05/14/2010

"Fight Over Arctic Wildlife Refuge Heats Up"

"The fight over oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge heated up Tuesday over the possibility that a new management plan could put the refuge and its billions of barrels of crude off-limits for good."

Source: AP, 05/14/2010

"MMS Ignores Environmental Permits"

"The Minerals Management Service has routinely issued drilling permits in the Gulf of Mexico since 2009 without obtaining other federal permits needed to account for the toll energy exploration would take on endangered species and marine mammals, according to documents obtained by the Washington Post."

Source: Post Carbon, 05/14/2010
