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"EPA Forced to Review Pesticide Testing on Humans"

"Federal rules governing pesticide experiments using people as test subjects must be rewritten and issued for public comment under a new agreement reached between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and public health groups, farm worker advocates and environmental organizations."

Source: ENS, 06/25/2010

"BP Continues to Use Surface Dispersants in Gulf Despite EPA Directive"

"BP PLC has applied 272,000 gallons of dispersants to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico in the four weeks since U.S. EPA directed the company to stop using the chemicals, except "in rare cases" when other approaches to fighting the ongoing oil leak proved unworkable, according to government records."

Source: Greenwire, 06/25/2010

"Climate Change Debate To Get Radical Overhaul"

"World leaders will give final approval on a plan to radically overhaul the global climate change debate at summit meetings in Toronto this weekend in the hope of breaking the deadlock in talks for an international emissions-reduction deal, the Toronto Star has learned."

Source: Toronto Star, 06/25/2010

"Spill-Related Measures Advance in Congress"

"A congressional stampede to pass  oil spill legislation gathered momentum Thursday as a Senate committee voted to impose tougher penalties on water polluters, and lawmakers unveiled a comprehensive bill to strengthen environmental and safety rules on offshore drilling."

Source: LA Times, 06/25/2010

"Oil Soaks Miles of Pensacola Beach"

"More than two months after the Deepwater Horizon disaster, Pensacola awoke Wednesday to the largest onslaught of black crude on Florida's coast, as more than nine miles of white shoreline and beaches were soaked with syrupy oil."

Source: CNN, 06/24/2010
