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"EPA Sets Tough New Chesapeake Pollution Caps"

"The Environmental Protection Agency proposed tough pollution caps for the Chesapeake Bay Thursday, requiring Maryland and other mid-Atlantic states to do more to clean up the troubled estuary than previously thought necessary."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 07/02/2010

"Minnesota Releases List of 1,755 Harmful Chemicals"

"The Minnesota Department of Health on Thursday released a list of hundreds of chemicals that pose a potential health risk. The state's list includes 1,755 substances, among them lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium. But it also includes many other organic chemicals that include pesticides, flame retardants, dyes and other chemicals used in industry or found in consumer products."

Source: Minn. Pub. Radio, 07/02/2010

"Researchers Ask Canada To Ban Asbestos"

"An international group of researchers is renewing its call for a global ban on the mining and use of asbestos, a known cause of cancer they say is unsafe in any form."

Source: Reuters, 07/02/2010

"First Major Oil Spill Bill Passed by House"

"The House on Thursday passed the first major bill related to the Gulf of Mexico oil rig explosion, voting to allow families of those killed and injured workers to be compensated far more generously than current law allows."

Source: AP, 07/02/2010

"While Media Is Sandbagged, Is Sand Dumped Over Oil on Grand Isle?"

Clean-looking sand is being dumped on the beaches of Grand Isle, and some of it is layered over asphalt-like oil residue, according to several reports based on photo and video documentation. But whether this is being done to fortify beaches or to hide oilspill damage is impossible to say -- because of a BP-Coast Guard media blackout threatening $40,000 fines to anyone who tries to get close enough to tell.

Source: Huffington Post, 07/02/2010

"In Reporting on Oil Spill, Limits Persist on Media Access in the Gulf"

Despite orders from the "incident commander" and denials by BP, press access to both federal and BP Gulf operations is still restricted. An HHS mobile clinic is surrounded by barbed wire, guarded by police, and declared off limits to reporters by federal "press officers" whose salaries are paid by your taxes.

Source: PBS Newshour, 07/02/2010

"Mann Cleared in Final Inquiry by Penn State"

"Pennsylvania State University has found no evidence of research misconduct on the part of  Michael Mann, the prominent climatologist who is a leader in efforts to chart Earth’s past temperature patterns and has been a longstanding target of groups and individuals fighting restrictions on greenhouse gases."

Source: Dot Earth, 07/02/2010

Third Annual Whale Shark Festival and Academic Conference

Noted marine biologists from Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, the Center for Shark Research/Mote Marine Laboratory in Florida and Mexico’s Project Domino will present their research at the Third Annual Whale Shark Festival in Isla Mujeres, Mexico.
