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DEADLINE: PEN America's Emerging Voices Fellowship

This virtual five-month mentorship program is for early-career writers from communities that are traditionally underrepresented in the publishing world, including Black writers and those who identify as Indigenous, persons of color, LGBTQ+, immigrants, writers with disabilities and more. Deadline: Jan 31, 2024.

DEADLINE: Reuters Institute Journalist Fellowship Programme

These three- or six-month fully funded fellowships at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford, are for journalists and editors with a minimum of five years' experience to take some time out from their day jobs to explore journalism in depth. Apply by Feb 19, 2024.

DEADLINE: AAJA-Medill Innovation Award

This award recognizes journalism that approaches Asian American and Pacific Islander issues in a fresh and innovative way with a $5,000 cash prize and conference travel stipend. Must be a member of the Asian American Journalists Association or join prior to nomination. Deadline is Jan 22, 2024.

Clearing the Smoke — Collaboration Exposes Impacts of Wildfire Pollution-Reporting Rules

Climate change is fueling the frequency and severity of wildfires, but a little-known Clean Air Act rule lets environmental agencies downplay the impacts of wildfire smoke. A collaborative investigation into this loophole connected dots that even the experts didn’t know about. Journalists Dillon Bergin and Molly Peterson explain their reporting process and offer advice for following your own local leads.

Watershed Data … for the Rest of Us

If you find yourself covering local waterways and are not a numbers geek but still want good-quality, easy-to-use data to inform your reporting, the latest Reporter’s Toolbox has a handy web app for you. “How’s My Waterway” uses numerous authoritative government datasets in a straightforward format that’s super easy to explore. Get started with intro videos, webcasts, widgets and a ZIP code-based map.

DEADLINE: Solutions Journalism Network's Climate Cohort

This year, Solutions Journalism Network is offering 20 fellowships to U.S.-based journalists who want to produce climate solutions stories that shift the climate conversation from unsolvable and apocalyptic to actionable and engaging. The program will run March through November 2024. Apply by Feb 5.

"The Beleaguered Whitebark Pine Is in Trouble. Can It Be Saved?"

"Once common in the West, whitebark pine is being wiped out by a deadly fungus, ravaging beetles, and climate change. Scientists hope advances in gene sequencing and a recent federal listing as threatened will speed the hunt for trees that can be replanted and seed the future."

Source: YaleE360, 01/12/2024

"Newsom Unveils Plan To Cut California Climate Funding"

"Facing big deficits, the governor has proposed taking a bigger chunk out of climate programs in his new budget — about 7% — and spreading the funds over seven years. Climate groups said cutting back on state spending now would cost the state more later."

Source: CalMatters, 01/12/2024

"Many Laws to Protect Sharks Have Backfired, Researchers Find"

"Many of the policies enacted around the world to curb the mass killing of sharks have backfired, partly because well-intentioned rules against taking the predators solely for their fins have led to an increase in demand for shark meat, according to a study published on Thursday."

Source: NYTimes, 01/12/2024
