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"A Key Court Ruling Could Weaken U.S. Environmental Protections"

"The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule soon on whether to overturn the Chevron doctrine, a landmark precedent that has stood for 40 years. Scrapping the doctrine could have major impacts on regulation in such areas as pollution, climate change, and endangered species."

Source: YaleE360, 06/20/2024

Study Finds 1 In 4 US Residential Yards Exceeds New EPA Lead Soil Limits

"Roughly one in four U.S. households have soil exceeding the new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's lead screening levels of 200 parts per million (ppm), halved from the previous level of 400 ppm, a new study found. For households with exposure from multiple sources, the EPA lowered the guidance to 100 ppm; nearly 40% of households exceed that level, the study also found."

Source: AGU, 06/20/2024
