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Shreya Agrawal — SEJ Board Candidate 2024

"I am honored to announce my candidacy for the open seats on the Board of Directors. SEJ has been an integral part of my career since I became a climate journalist for a few years now (after a short stint as an earth scientist during my undergraduate years)."

Doug Main — SEJ Board Candidate 2024

"When I was three years old, a wasp landed on my hand and stung me. Instead of running away or killing it, I cupped it in my palms so it couldn’t get to my face. Sure, it stung me a couple more times (and I yelled in pain), but I think it says something about my personality: I am persistent, focused on finding solutions, even if they’re unconventional, and I don’t like to kill arthropods for any reason."

Reid Frazier — SEJ Board Candidate 2024

"I have over 15 years experience as a public radio reporter, reporting mainly on the environment in Western Pennsylvania. I work as an energy reporter for the Allegheny Front, an independent public radio news magazine based in Pittsburgh that focuses on the environment."

"US To Expand Bird-Flu Testing Of Beef In Slaughterhouses"

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture said on Tuesday it will expand bird-flu testing of beef entering the food supply as part of its response to the ongoing outbreak among dairy cattle, adding that U.S. beef and dairy products remain safe to consume."

Source: Reuters, 08/14/2024
