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Reporting on Poor, Kids Sickened by Industrial Air Pollution

Pittsburgh is known for its history of steel production … and of air pollution. In the new Inside Story, reporter Kristina Marusic talks about capturing the health impacts of air emissions in western Pennsylvania, and shares insights on how dogged environmental justice reporting can make the links between pollution cuts and health impacts. Plus, tips on managing a long reporting project, creating infographics and using video.

Lawn Chemicals May Make Fertile Soil for Local Environmental Stories

Lawns can be as much bane as boon for homeowners that care for them throughout the United States. But when their maintenance involves the use of pesticides and fertilizers, they become a much wider concern for community health and the surrounding environment. The latest TipSheet combs through the grass for a better understanding of the problem, and offers ideas and resources for local environmental coverage.

"Water Wonk With Hill, Interior Chops To Lead Army Corps"

"President Biden's pick this week to oversee the Army's vast natural resources operation would bring to the job decades of water experience at the Interior Department and on Capitol Hill.

The president tapped Michael Connor to be the Department of Defense's assistant secretary of the Army for civil works, which oversees the Army Corps of Engineers and its huge network of dams and other projects.

Source: E&E News, 05/03/2021

First-Ever US Release of GMO Mosquitoes Begins In Florida Keys

"The first release of genetically modified mosquitoes in the United States began this week in the Florida Keys -- the culmination of a decade-long effort by local mosquito control authorities to see if a genetically modified organism is a viable alternative to spraying insecticides in the region."

Source: CNN, 05/03/2021

Forest Offsets Actually Adding Millions of Tons of CO2 Into Atmosphere

"Along the coast of Northern California near the Oregon border, the cool, moist air off the Pacific sustains a strip of temperate rainforests. Soaring redwoods and Douglas firs dominate these thick, wet woodlands, creating a canopy hundreds of feet high. But if you travel inland the mix of trees gradually shifts."

Source: ProPublica/MIT, 05/03/2021
