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Judge Kills, Slams Bayer’s Plan To Limit Future Roundup Legal Liability

"The federal judge overseeing nationwide Roundup litigation on Wednesday denied Bayer's latest attempt to limit its legal liability from future cancer claims associated with its glyphosate-based herbicides, citing numerous "glaring flaws" in a settlement proposed to apply to Roundup users who have not yet sued the company but may want to do so in the future."

Source: EHN, 05/28/2021

"Can Removing Highways Fix America’s Cities?"

"Built in the 1950s to speed suburban commuters to and from downtown, Rochester’s Inner Loop destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses, replacing them with a broad, concrete trench that separated downtown from the rest of the city."

Source: NYTimes, 05/28/2021

Carving a Niche in Photojournalism and Getting Published on Major Platforms

The International Journalists' Network is hosting a webinar with KC Nwakolor, an independent documentary photographer. KC will share his career journey and teach emerging and practicing photojournalists how to carve a niche for themselves in the field and get their photos published on major platforms. 10 a.m. ET.

As Drought Worsens, Tensions Over Control of SoCal’s Water Supplier

"Southern California’s biggest water supplier has chosen a new general manager — but the selection isn’t yet final, and the fiercely contested vote is exposing deep disagreements within the powerful agency as a severe drought grips the region.

The Metropolitan Water District’s board of directors voted this month to select Adel Hagekhalil to lead the agency, The Times has learned, replacing longtime head honcho Jeff Kightlinger, who is retiring. Hagekhalil runs L.A.'s Bureau of Street Services and was previously second-in-command at the city’s sanitation department.

Source: LA Times, 05/27/2021
