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RFP — Hosts and Sponsors for SEJ Annual Conferences 2027 and 2028

The Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) is the premier North American organization for journalists who cover environment-related issues on all media platforms. SEJ’s Board of Directors is inviting inquiries, letters of intent and proposals from prospective hosts and sponsors for conference events in 2027 and 2028.

2021 North American Agroforestry Conference

Journalists: Agroforestry is a climate solutions story that's easily localized, as it is currently practiced across the US. This virtual conference may provide lots of story ideas as it brings together various stakeholders to discuss barriers to scaling agroforestry. Free media access offered.

America’s First Filipino Settlement Is Vanishing Into The Sea

"ST. BERNARD PARISH, Louisiana — On a cold day in November 2019, two podcasters and a historian boarded a small boat on the edge of Louisiana’s Lake Borgne and drifted into the bayou. They were bound for St. Malo, the first permanent Filipino settlement in the United States. Sailors from the Philippines, known as the Manila Men, settled there in the mid-19th century, decades before the Civil War."

Source: HuffPost, 06/25/2021

"Hungry Grasshoppers Spurred By US Drought Threaten Rangeland"

"Federal agriculture officials are launching what could become their largest grasshopper-killing campaign since the 1980s amid an outbreak of the drought-loving insects that cattle ranchers fear will strip bare public and private rangelands."

Source: AP, 06/25/2021
