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Biden Aims to Increase Electric Car Sales By Using Pollution Rules

"President Biden has a two-step strategy to cut tailpipe emissions, the nation’s largest source of greenhouse gases: First, restore the standards to roughly the level set by President Barack Obama. Then, tighten them even further, with an aim of making the electric car the dominant vehicle sold in the United States."

Source: NYTimes, 07/02/2021

As Western Wildfires Worsen, FEMA Is Denying Most People Who Ask For Help

"Brenda and Francis Dairy's small ranch house, tucked into the Oregon woods, was built to withstand a wildfire. The siding was concrete, the roof metal. It didn't matter. On Sept. 7 of last year, as the sky turned dark orange and the air grew thick with smoke, flames tore through nearby trees and engulfed the house entirely."

Source: NPR, 07/01/2021

"White House Escalates Push For Clean Electricity Standard"

"White House climate adviser Gina McCarthy is laying out a case for Congress to pass a clean electricity standard in a budget reconciliation package, re-upping the push for climate legislation as Democratic leadership deals with competing infrastructure priorities on Capitol Hill."

Source: E&E News, 07/01/2021
