"Tribe Becomes Key Water Player With Drought Aid To Arizona"
"For thousands of years, an Arizona tribe relied on the Colorado River's natural flooding patterns to farm. Later, it hand-dug ditches and canals to route water to fields."
"For thousands of years, an Arizona tribe relied on the Colorado River's natural flooding patterns to farm. Later, it hand-dug ditches and canals to route water to fields."
"The extraordinary heat wave that scorched the Pacific Northwest last week would almost certainly not have occurred without global warming, an international team of climate researchers said Wednesday."
"It’s among the wettest places on the planet, but shifts in rainfall, invasive grasses and a housing shortage are driving a wildfire spike on the islands."
"As viewers tune out cable news, Rupert Murdoch is preparing the debut of Fox Weather, a potentially powerful new player in a sphere long dominated by the Weather Channel."
"Weather is taking the media industry by storm.
"A pilot study is the latest evidence that women of color are disproportionately impacted by hormone-mimicking chemicals from hair care products."
"Boxed in by refineries, oil tanks, an interstate highway and a bridge under construction, the people are left in a hollowed-out neighborhood and a broken community."
"A new report from the Environmental Voter Project claims to have identified a hidden voting bloc in nine states: low-propensity environmental voters."
"The Biden administration announced Tuesday it will issue new rules for defining when meat can be labeled a "product of USA" in an effort to boost American farmers."
"The United States and Mexico are tussling over their dwindling shared water supplies after years of unprecedented heat and insufficient rainfall."
"The receding water is affecting wildlife and could send arsenic-laced dust into the air that millions breathe".