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"Trump’s Policies Are Already Making Workplaces More Toxic"

"The 'wellbeing of America and the American worker is my North Star,' President Donald Trump trumpeted at a recent White House event. But the Trump administration’s policies are already adversely affecting workers’ health by undermining occupational illness prevention — including for cancers, musculoskeletal disorders and respiratory diseases that afflict hundreds of thousands of U.S. workers."

Source: In These Times, 04/13/2017

"Scientists Fear Climate Data Gap as Trump Aims at Satellites"

"Among the sweeping cuts in the Trump administration’s 53-page budget blueprint released last month, one paragraph stood out to climate researchers. It proposed eliminating four of NASA’s climate science missions, including instruments to study clouds, small airborne particles, the flow of carbon dioxide and other elements of the atmosphere and oceans."

Source: NY Times, 04/11/2017
