Search results

"Solar: ITC Backs U.S. Panel Makers, Sends Case To Trump"

"The U.S. International Trade Commission ruled [Friday] that imported solar panels and modules are causing 'serious injury' to U.S. manufacturers, giving President Trump the final say about tariffs in a high-profile case that could unravel the American solar industry."

Source: Greenwire, 09/25/2017

EPA Employees Ordered To Attend Anti-Leaking Classes

"Employees at the Environmental Protection Agency are attending mandatory training sessions this week to reinforce their compliance with laws and rules against leaking classified or sensitive government information."

Source: AP, 09/22/2017

"Internal Watchdog Says EPA Mismanaging Toxic Site Cleanups"

"Cleanups at some U.S. hazardous waste sites have stopped or slowed down because the Environmental Protection Agency does not manage its Superfund staff effectively to match its workload, an internal government watchdog said Tuesday."

Source: AP, 09/20/2017
