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"Trump Administration Swaps 'Climate Change' For 'Resilience'"

"In the Trump administration's list of dos and don'ts, 'climate change' is out and 'resilience' is in. The word choices by administration officials -- and the extent to which they're going to avoid referencing global warming altogether -- are notable in the aftermath of recent severe hurricanes and in the face of questions about what could have caused them."

Source: CNN, 10/03/2017

An Absent EPA Climate Report, And A Tale Of Two Flooded Superfund Sites

"Hurricane Harvey flooded more than a dozen Superfund toxic waste sites when it devastated the Texas coast in late August. An EPA report predicted the possibility of climate-related problems at toxic waste sites like those in Texas, but the page detailing the report on the agency's website was made inactive months before the storm."

Source: NPR, 10/03/2017

"Split U.S. Solar Industry To Debate Tariffs At Hearing"

"A fractured U.S. solar industry will present differing proposals on Tuesday to a government commission considering measures to prop up domestic solar panel makers, who say cheap imports have left them on the verge of collapse."

Source: Reuters, 10/03/2017
