"Long Island's 254 Superfund Sites Threaten Its Drinking Water"
"Long Island's sole source of drinking water lies beneath many of the most contaminated places in New York State."
"Long Island's sole source of drinking water lies beneath many of the most contaminated places in New York State."
"CONCORD, N.H. -- Cleanup at one of the state's major Superfund pollution sites is moving into high gear."
"Once black with oil, the Kalamazoo River runs clear now. But EPA orders dredging and says it will be years before the spill's long-term effects are known."
"The facilities will restore pumping of drinking water from scores of contaminated San Fernando Valley wells, lessening L.A.'s reliance on imported water, agency says."
"Federal environmental officials have completed part of a massive cleanup of lead from Omaha properties that began 15 years ago."
"If the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency isn’t going to ensure Seattle’s Duwamish River is clean enough for needy residents to fish there for their dinner, the agency needs to ensure those people get fish some other way – even if that means supplying seafood through food banks. Or building clean urban fishing ponds. Or giving people shares in a seafood cooperative akin to a community-supported-agriculture operation."
"The Environmental Protection Agency is reporting promising but uneven results in its latest report on costly efforts to control toxic pollution creeping away from Delaware’s largest Superfund cleanup site."
"KALAMAZOO, MI -- Members of the Kalamazoo community gathered at a public forum Monday to learn more about the Allied Paper landfill site and to voice concerns with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's proposal to consolidate and cap the site in Kalamazoo's Edison neighborhood."
"SPRINGFIELD, Ohio -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will conduct tests at a Tremont City site containing buried barrels filled with 1.5 million gallons of hazardous waste."
"The residents of south Seattle's 98108 ZIP code, some living cheek-by-jowl with the Duwamish River Superfund site, face a high degree of environmental health threats and are likely to live sicker and die younger than residents of other Seattle neighborhoods, says a new report by two nonprofit groups."