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"Making Sense of Menhaden"

"In the Chesapeake Bay, a fight is raging over a little fish with an outsized importance."

"Over the week of July 4, 2022, people flocking to Chesapeake Bay’s Virginia coast were met at the water’s edge by hordes of ghastly visitors: schools of hand-sized silver menhaden washed up by the thousands, their carcasses floating in the surf in the summer’s heat. By the week’s end, as the fish liquefied in a dumpster at a nearby wharf, circulating petitions were gaining signatures.

Source: Hakai, 02/07/2023

‘No Miracles Needed’: Mark Jacobson On How Renewables Can Power The World

Wind, water and solar can provide plentiful and cheap power, he argues, ending the carbon emissions driving the climate crisis, slashing deadly air pollution and ensuring energy security. Carbon capture and storage, biofuels, new nuclear and other technologies are expensive wastes of time, Prof. Mark Jacobson argues.

Source: Guardian, 01/25/2023

"How Biden Can Meet His 100% Clean Electricity Goal"

"It’s one of President Biden’s most important and ambitious climate goals: eliminating carbon pollution from America’s power sector by 2035.... However, a detailed new analysis finds that the Biden administration can still keep this central climate goal within reach if the Environmental Protection Agency enacts strong carbon pollution standards for new and existing power plants."

Source: Washington Post, 01/24/2023

"'Dangerous' Tunisian Droughts Threaten Food Security"

"Three years of drought have dried up Tunisian reservoirs, threatening harvests that are critical to the North African country's battered economy and pushing the government to raise tap water prices for homes and businesses."

Source: Reuters, 01/12/2023

"Oceans Surged To Another Record-High Temperature In 2022"

"The amount of excess heat buried in the planet’s oceans, a strong marker of climate change, reached a record high in 2022, reflecting more stored heat energy than in any year since reliable measurements were available in the late 1950s, a group of scientists reported Wednesday."

Source: Washington Post, 01/12/2023

The New Soldiers in Propane’s Fight Against Climate Action: TV Stars

"For D.I.Y. enthusiasts, Matt Blashaw is a familiar face, judging bathroom remodels or planning surprise home makeovers on popular cable television shows. Mr. Blashaw also has an unusually strong opinion about how Americans should heat their homes: by burning propane, or liquid petroleum gas."

Source: NYTimes, 01/11/2023
