In the House climate bill, "consumers would receive around $750 billion in direct and indirect handouts and subsidies through 2030 to offset the higher energy costs."
The House Energy Committe amended its climate bill to include a "Clean Energy Deployment Administration" within the Energy Department that would fund new nuclear plants as well as renewables.
"The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will attempt to finish marking up comprehensive energy legislation this week, including a renewable electricity standard... ."
"President Obama will announce tough new nationwide rules for automobile emissions and mileage standards on Tuesday, embracing standards that California has sought to enact for years over the objections of the auto industry and the Bush administration."
"America's future climate law began working its way through Congress this week, rewritten with new details and changes that were negotiated to give the coal industry generous incentives. Environmental groups are going along, believing the weakened bill is still the best hope for action on climate."