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Enviros Critique 'Solar Energy Zones'

Environmental groups say the Interior Department's effort to site solar-power projects on public lands should not harm wildlife and should be accompanies by similar efforts for other kinds of alternative energy.
Source: Greenwire, 07/10/2009

"Funding Rules to Aid Renewables Unveiled"

"The Treasury and the Energy Department today unveiled long-awaited new rules under which the government will pay up to 30 percent of the cost of renewable energy projects."
Source: NYTimes, 07/10/2009

"Oil Prices Weaken as Recovery Hopes Falter"

"Oil prices briefly fell under $60 a barrel on Thursday after nearly two weeks of uninterrupted declines, as traders and investors acknowledged that a global economic recovery would take longer than hoped."
Source: NYTimes, 07/10/2009

Senate Climate Deadline Slips

"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has bumped back the deadline until Sept. 28 for the six committees working on a comprehensive climate change and energy bill."
Source: ClimateWire, 07/10/2009

"The Two-Degree Solution"

The two-degree pledge on climate change made by the G8 is nonbinding, hard to translate to a specific level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere ... and perhaps wishful thinking.
Source: Dot Earth, 07/10/2009

"More Scrutiny Urged for Bottled Water"

The Government Accountability Office, testifying before a Congressional committee, urged the Food and Drug Administration to stiffen oversight of bottled water and give consumers more information about what they are drinking.
Source: Wall St. Journal, 07/09/2009
