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"Fight Brewing Over Dormant Wells"

"More than 20,000 old oil and gas wells across [Alberta] have been sitting abandoned or inactive for more than a decade without being cleaned up, worrying landowners and environmentalists who say the sites unnecessarily eat up and possibly contaminate valuable farm land."
Source: Calgary Herald, 07/28/2009

"On Wood, Burning Questions"

Wood has been hailed as a renewable fuel and is being used in New England power plants. But it is not undergoing some serious scrutiny of its environmental consequences.
Source: Boston Globe, 07/27/2009

Grist Grades Senate Websites on Climate Transparency; Flunks Some

The online environmental magazine Grist combed the Web sites of 99 senators and graded them on how well they explained the Senators' positions on climate change and energy. "The results aren’t pretty. We found a distinct lack of information among Democrats and Republicans alike, senators with and without strong environmental voting records, and from all regions of the country," Grist told parents.
Source: Grist, 07/23/2009
