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"Austin Aiming for a Grid Makeover"

"The city of Austin, Tex., [Thursday]  presented a wide-ranging list of recommendations for remaking its electricity system, including more energy efficiency measures and a change to the business model of the local utility."

Source: Green Inc., 03/26/2010

"Waste Issue Hurting U.S. Nuclear Revival: Panel"

"The lack of a permanent home for the nation's radioactive waste is dampening prospects for a resurgence of the U.S. nuclear industry, federal commissioners said at their first public hearing on the subject."

Source: Reuters, 03/26/2010

"China Takes Lead in Clean-Power Investment"

"China overtook the United States for the first time last year in the race to invest in wind, solar and other sources of clean energy, according to a comprehensive new report that raises questions about American competitiveness in a booming global market."

Source: LA Times, 03/25/2010

"BP, Others Push Against Federal Regulation of Fracturing"

"BP America Inc. and two other oil and gas companies are lobbying for the new Senate climate and energy bill to recommend against federal regulation of hydraulic fracturing." A draft would bar public disclosure of chemicals in fracturing fluid, some of which are toxic.

Source: Greenwire, 03/25/2010

EPA Green Buildings Survey To Be Released Today

"The D.C. area took the No. 2 spot in a nationwide survey of metropolitan regions with energy-efficient buildings, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, which plans to publish the results Tuesday."

Source: Wash Post, 03/23/2010
