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Five Deaths Focus Scrutiny on Refinery Practices

"A deadly accident in the early hours of April 2 at the Tesoro  refinery 70 miles north of Seattle has focused attention on the petroleum industry’s plant practices and commitment to worker safety."

Source: C&EN, 04/12/2010

"Report: N.C. Ignores Coal Ash Threat"

North Carolina "largely ignores millions of tons of ash from coal-fired power plants that threatens to contaminate N.C. groundwater, lakes and streams, the N.C. Sierra Club says in a report today."

Source: McClatchy, 04/12/2010

"Is Texas Writing the Book on Wind Power?"

"Feb. 28, 2010, was a banner day for Texas wind to set the clouds -- and electrons -- flying. In the Panhandle, gusts reached 47 miles per hour and wind generators delivered a record 6,242 megawatts of power to Dallas, Austin and other population centers. At 1 p.m., 22 percent of all the electricity consumed in the Texas grid was coming from wind."

Source: ClimateWire, 04/09/2010

"Mine Received 61 Closure Orders Prior To Disaster"

Parts or all of Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch Mine were ordered closed more than 60 times in 2009 and 2010, and the mine was repeatedly cited in recent months for allowing potentially explosive coal dust to accumulate, according to newly released government documents."

Source: Charleston Gazette, 04/09/2010

"Mine Company Faulted on Safety Issues, Regulators Say"

Rescuers continue to search for four missing miners in West Virginia. "The company that owns the West Virginia coal mine where at least 25 workers died this week has pressed its employees for higher productivity rates, sometimes at the expense of safety, according to regulators, lawyers who have sued the company and documents."

Source: Wash Post, 04/08/2010

"Postal Service as Giant Battery? A Plan for Cashing In"

"By trading oil for batteries, the struggling U.S. Postal Service could transform its fleet vehicles into overnight moneymakers that deliver much more than the daily mail. The cash-strapped agency has the potential to earn millions by storing and stabilizing some of the nation’s grid energy in mail trucks during off-peak hours."

Source: SolveClimate, 04/07/2010
