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"Rural Pennsylvania Town Fights Big Gas"

"In the rush to develop America's biggest new source of domestic energy, one community is fighting to protect its rural way of life from the environmental strains that accompany shale gas drilling."

Source: Reuters, 09/10/2010

"Environment Groups Cite Lansing Power Plant for Coal Ash Pollution"

Three environmental groups have issued a report detailing some 39 cases across the U.S. where pollution from the ash left from coal-burning electric power plants has cause pollution that often threatens human health. Now as EPA moves to close the electric utilities' longtime exemption from hazardous waste laws, industry lobbyists may have quietly put the fix in at the White House Office of Management and Budget.

Source: Ithaca Journal, 09/10/2010

DOE Blocks Disclosure of Key National Energy-Water Roadmap Study

"A far-reaching federal program of research and analysis, funded by Congress and designed to help the nation anticipate and temper the mounting conflict between rising energy demand and diminishing supplies of fresh water, has been brought to a standstill by the Department of Energy, according to government researchers involved in the project."

Source: Circle of Blue, 09/10/2010

"U.N. Report: Iran Stockpiling Nuclear Materials"

"Iran is steadily stockpiling enriched uranium, even in the face of toughened international sanctions, according to a U.N. inspection report that raises new concerns about the ability to monitor parts of the Islamic nation's nuclear program that could be used to make a bomb."

Source: Wash Post, 09/07/2010

"Old or Abandoned Wells Are Key Sources of Water Contamination"

"New oil and gas drilling is probably the most visible activity people associate with threats to groundwater in Texas. But it's not usually the source of known contamination, according to state records. Instead, old or abandoned oil and gas wells, petroleum storage facilities and even existing water wells are most frequently identified as problems."

Source: Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 09/07/2010

"Interior Chief Salazar Voices Doubt On Arctic Drilling"

"Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said on Friday he cannot predict whether Royal Dutch Shell, which has invested $3.5 billion in an offshore Arctic oil-development program, will be allowed to drill the five wells it plans next year in Alaska's Chukchi and Beaufort Seas."

Source: Reuters, 09/07/2010
